The Great Gardener
We are like blades of grass. God is the Great Gardener. She plants the seeds and patiently waits for them to grow. She waters and tends to them and rejoices as they push through the fertilized soil to find the warmth of the light. The Gardner loves her creations but not one blade more than another. She sees them as a whole. And as they flourish with her tender and diligent care, we (the grass) grow taller and fuller till we overwhelm our confines. And then, in what may seem to be an act of cruelty, the Gardner begins to weed and mow and remove those blades who are out of bounds. The Gardener is impersonal to the cries of the grass (if grass cries when its tops are trimmed or whole bunches are pulled and discarded), for the Gardner only sees the whole of her (or his) creation and the great plan. Even if the cries are heard, the Gardner will not be dissuaded because she knows that the great plan requires it and so must be done. She doesn’t feel an ounce of sorrow for the trimming and the weeding for she sees a greater beauty as a result of her care. The blades of grass may not understand as their goal is merely to flourish and grow. But the Gardener sees beyond what the grass can see and knows that over time, through repetition of the process (the weeding and trimming) that the grass will evolve to a form of grass that doesn’t need trimming or weeding but will have perfected itself in the eyes of its creator – the Great Gardner.
You see the Gardener loves her garden so much that she is willing to sacrifice the comfort and stability of the blades of grass in order for them to reach a type of perfection – a beautiful and flourishing garden.